Midnight Snack At Heard City Launches; A New Sound Design Division Introducing An Innovative Creative Process

Midnight Snack at Heard City has launched. The new sound design division at the award-winning audio post-production company offers clients a new, innovative, creative process.  

“Under Midnight Snack and the direction of a Creative Director, we collaborate simultaneously to create elements for each project,” shares Managing Partner of Midnight Snack & Heard City Gloria Pitagorsky. “This approach has allowed us to deliver our most innovative and comprehensive Sound Design and offer a range of options for the exceptional Sound Design we believe every project merits.” 

Midnight Snack at Heard City features the talents of Sound Designers: Danny Irizarry, Evan Mangiamele, Philip Loeb, Seth Phillips, Jeremy Siegel, T. Terressa Tate, Michael Vitacco, and Eric Warzecha. The team hit the ground running this year with its latest projects, which include the Paramount+ Super Bowl 2024 spot, “Hey Arnold,” as well as campaigns for CeraVe, Carl’s Jr., and Mercedes. 

“We have been very fortunate to have the opportunity to work with amazing creatives on great projects,” explains Philip Loeb, Sound Designer/Mixer and President/Partner of Midnight Snack & Heard City. “In a world where deadlines are always pressing, our challenge is to deliver something wonderful for our clients efficiently. With Midnight Snack at Heard City, we have designed a workflow that addresses this head-on. Our team collaborates on multiple projects simultaneously, each contributing their own perspective on the creative.” 

“We encourage Clients to come to us early in the creative process, making Sound Design an integral part of the creative team from the start,” adds Evan Mangiamele, Sound Designer/Mixer & Partner of Midnight Snack & Heard City. “This helps us to provide them with various fresh options and ideas, allowing us to showcase our best work.” 

Michael Vitacco, Sound Designer/Mixer & Partner of Midnight Snack & Heard City, agrees stating, “By being a part of the creative process from the project’s inception, we can refine sound design on a granular level even during the mix.” 

The team at Midnight Snack at Heard City has multiple projects coming out this summer and is looking forward to sharing more of their work in the months ahead. 


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