Mini - Midnight Black Light - (2014) 1:25 (USA)

Alex Coyle decides to replace her Mini LED headlights with black lights and ram straight through a forest of glow sticks. Why? Because looks awesome, so why the hell not?

Agency: Butler, Shine, Stern & Partners.
Production :Tool of North America
Director : Ben Tricklebank
Director : Erich Joiner
Creative Director : Steve Mapp
Creative Director : Lyle Yetman
Executive Creative Director : John Nutler
Art Director : Sinan Dagli
Copywriter : Lucas Zehner
Producer : John Riddle
DoP : Crille Forsberg
Director of Broadcast Production: Adrienne Cummins
Associate Producer: Rachel Saxon
Production Designer: Justin Trask
Managing Director/Executive Producer: Oliver Fuselier
Line Producer: Kelly Christensen

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