MTV - Warriors (2008) 0:70 (USA)

A note from director Clay Weiner:
An homage to Walter Hill’s late 70's pulp classic, The Warriors, re-imagined to reflect the realities of present day NYC where thanks to the tireless efforts of the NYPD, brass knuckles and baseball bats have taken a backseat to tutus and tap shoes.

Title: Warriors
Client: MTV
Production: MTV
Writer: Clay Weiner
Art Director: Clay Weiner
MTV Producer: Sean Linehan
Director: Clay Weiner
Assistant Director: Jim Muscarella
Director of Photography: Joe Zizzo
Producer: Dan O'Brien
Editor: Gary Knight
Editorial Assistant/Producer: Naomi Spiro
Composer: Tomandandy
Sound Mix: Matt Richman, Nutmeg
Online Editor: Steve Hoppe
GRFX: Element
Post Facility: Peepshow
Colorist: Tom Poole, Company 3
Stylist: Avena Gallagher

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Warriors, come out and pla-aa-ay.