Name your baby Dovahkiin and get "unknown reward" from Bethesda - it's a conception quest!

Pregnant or currently aiming to be? Well, if you pop out a dragon-slaying baby the 11/11/11 this year, you could be the happy winner of an unknown reward - provided you turn your child's name into ad-space for the Elder Scrolls V game by naming the baby Dovahkiin.

Announced on Bethesda's blog: Ladies and gentlemen - start your creation engines. They're taking it seriously enough to offer 'a Steam key that will grant you, and presumably Dovahkiin him/herself, every ZeniMax/Bethesda game - past, present and future - for life' but the rest of the unknown reward is still a secret, in other words they're just making this up as they go along. ;) It's been tweeted 153 times already, a sudden PR-boost they might not have expected, but they're having fun with it. Especially in the disclaimer.

Disclaimer: Any reward for completing this quest will not ultimately justify the potential teasing your child could - and probably will - endure over its lifespan. Bethesda Softworks is not responsible for your parenting. You may gain experience points for completing this quest, but you will not care at 3am on a work night. Completion of this quest may also result in decreased desire to play video games and/or function as a human being. Consult with your friends before embarking on this quest; while it may not start in prison, it probably ends there.

That reminds me Iuma Dylan-Lucas - named after - turns eleven years old this year. Back then it only cost 5000 dollars to name a kid after a .com

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