Nike women - Delphine / Here I am - (2008) 1:35 (The Netherlands)

For Nike Women from Wieden+Kennedy, Amsterdam. Delphine does not think that Judo is too macho.

Ad agency: Wieden+Kennedy, Amsterdam
John Norman, Jeff Kling : Executive Creative Director
Mark Bernath, Eric Quennoy : Creative Director
Betsy Decker : Assoc Creative Director
Anders Stake, Darren Watkins : Art Director
Betsy Decker : Copywriter
Cat Reynolds : Agency Producer
Corey Bartha : Executive Producer
Director : Adam Marko-Nord
Production Company: Stink Digital London
Executive Producer/Producer: Mark Pytlik
Lead Animator: Kalle Sandzen, Niklas Lundgren
Lead Modeling: Daniel Westlund
Assistant Animators: Adrianos Papamarkous, Frans Akare
Producer @ Alphaville: Sara Waldestam
Sound: Q Department
Producer: Zack Rice
Sound Designer: Drazen Bosnjak

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