Sony PSP - A Day In The Life - (2005) 0:20 (UK)

Agency: TBWA
Producer: Diane Croll
Production Company: RSA Films
Director: Alex Rutterford
Advisor to the Director: Chris Cunningham
Producer: Kate Taylor
Post Production: The Mill
Production; Stephen Venning & Liz Browne
3D Supervisor /Lead Character Animator: Ben Smith
Character Animators: Martin Gauvreau, Maarten Heinstra, Jordi Bares, Jamie Lancaster, Quentin Miles, Ivor Griffin.
Lighting & Rendering: Laurent Makowski, Vincent Baertsoen, Sam Driscoll, Robert Kolbeins
Lead Flame: Barnsley
Flame: Rich Roberts
Flame Assist; Mark Payne
TK: Paul Harrison
Editorial Company: Final Cut
Editor: Jo Guest
Kit: XSi, Maya, Shake, Flame, Spirit

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