Greenpeace anti-oil protest photo used in pro-oil ad.

Scanpix made a major boo-boo when they sold this image, taken by Greenpeace, to a pro oil drilling in the north sea advertising insert.

Adding insult to injury, the image was used with the headline "Oil and clean seas" in a newspaper insert that mimicked the look of the newspaper. Truls Gulowsen from Greenpeace says: "That they used the image in this context is even worse. It legitimises oil, which is something we do not agree with. Oil and clean seas is an oxymoron." He continues "We were surprised that they were so unproffesional. We also think it's pretty sneaky because the whole insert is advertising. Because they are trying by looking like a newspaper to pretend that it is objective information. When this image is used by our opposition in this way it signals that everyone agrees on the topic, which we don't.". Via Propaganda Norway.

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