Ny Lottery "Birthday" (2014) :30 (USA)

What do you wish for when you've won the lottery and are filthy rich? Besides less obnoxious behavior. Funny casting.

Client: New York Lottery
Agency: DDB New York
Chief Creative Officer: Matt Eastwood
Group Creative Director: Mike Sullivan
Group Creative Director: Rich Sharp
Copywriter: Jon Marshall
Associate Creative Director: Carlos Wigle
Head of Production: Ed Zazzera
Executive Producer: Walter Brindak
Group Account Director: Leo Mamorsky
Account Director: Kelly Gorsky
Sr. Account Executive: Tarina Hesaltine
Production Company: O Positive
Director: Jim Jenkins
Executive Producer: Ralph Laucella
Executive Producer: Marc Grill
Director of Photography: Joe Zizzo
Editorial: Big Sky
Editor: Chris Franklin
Exec Producer: Cheryl Panek

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