Oakland A's "Tarp Therapy" (2014) :30 (USA)

Hub Strategy's campaign for the Oakland A's has broken. This one features John Donaldson reflecting on what his famous tarp catch means for the fans, the A's, and...the tarp.

Client: The Oakland Athletics

Ad Agency: Hub Strategy

Director: DJ O'Neil

Creative Director: DJ O'Neil

Associate Creative Director: Jason Rothman

Art Director: Jason Rothman

Copywriters: Hugh Gurin, Chris Elzinga, Sam Pond, Jeff Feng, Patty Jordan
Account Director: Angelina Dilg

Agency Producer: Angelina Dilg

Account Manager: Caitlin Lutsch

Production Company: Hub Strategy

Director of Photography: Jason Mitchell

Editorial/Motion Graphics: Pete Fleming

Colorist: Baco Bryles

Music/Sound Design: TJ Murphy, James Boblak

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