PETA likens meat industry to Shoah

Oh dear, PETA are making friends again.

PETA launched a new TV commercial campaign this week comparing the meat industry to the Holocaust, they liken the mass transport of animals to slaughterhouses to the Nazi deportations to concentration camps.

Quote from Jewishweek: "The ad, unveiled in the historic center of the Nazi deportations, follows the group’s controversial photo exhibit and Web site comparing the meat industry to the Shoah."

The website that goes with this reads;

“In relation to [animals], all people are Nazis; for [them] it is an eternal Treblinka.”
— Isaac Bashevis Singer (1904-1991), Yiddish writer and vegetarian

Nobel Prize-winning author Isaac Bashevis Singer first noted the disturbing similarity between the treatment of Jews during the Holocaust and that of animals raised for food when he noticed that the techniques of mass slaughter developed for use on animals had also been used on human beings. In several of his stories, he draws an analogy between the slaughter of animals and the slaughter of Jews at the hands of Nazis. Having realized that all oppression stems from the same branch, Singer became a vegetarian. He understood that the quality of mercy is not—must not be—limited and that people cannot talk about peace with their mouths full of the victims of violence.
If we are revolted by comparisons between the plight of animals and the plight of human victims of oppression, it can only be because we are not yet prepared to accept our own role in the animals’ fate. It is easy to condemn barbarity when it is separated from us by distance and time. But what about violence that we are a part of, that we support financially every time we sit down to eat? If we accept that it is unnecessary and wrong, then we must do something about it. Fortunately, doing something about it isn’t nearly as hard as concocting elaborate excuses not to.
Decades from now, what will you tell your grandchildren when they ask you whose side you were on during the “animals’ holocaust”? Will you be able to say that you stood up against oppression, even when doing so was considered “radical” or “unpopular”? Will you be able to say that you could visualize a world without violence and realized that it began at breakfast?
PETA's thought-provoking display "Holocaust on Your Plate" spotlights this disturbing parallel by juxtaposing on freestanding 8-foot panels stomach-churning images of the torturous experiences of both Jews and animals. The exhibit was funded by a Jewish philanthropist who has spent the past 25 years affiliated with the world's foremost Holocaust organizations and who recognized the moral and ethical imperative of making the public aware of the parallels between the Jewish genocide of WWII and the horrific and inhumane treatment of animals raised and slaughtered for food. As observers walk around the display, they will gain an understanding of the common roots of victimization and violence and how they can help fight these injustices through decisions that they make every time they eat.
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AnonymousCoward's picture

This is so awful!