"Pieces of Shit For Trump" campaign with little flags in dog shit.

There's an Instagram account out there that declares "shit for Trump" but sticking wee flags into dog shit. Yes, pretty much exactly like that Granite Pass Obama campaign that stuck teeny flags in dog shit for McCain, back in 08. There will always be shit-slinging in political campaigns, kids, but not all of it ends up in Badland. At least be original. You can follow the Shit for Trump instagram here. "Pieces of Shit For Trump" is the brainchild of San Francisco-based BarrettSF, and as they put it, it's helping "spread the love" of Trump. “We were concerned that Trump's bedrock support base—piles of excrement—wasn't getting the voice it deserved in this race,” said Phil Fattore, copywriter at BarrettSF. “We've heard from bigots, delusional gun advocates, and xenophobes, but what about the umbrella group under which they all fall? Not a word, until today.” Of course, there's a website ShitForTrump.com,where you can join the literally grassroots action by downloading tiny Trump campaign posters, glue them to toothpicks and then spend the rest of the day putting flags in shit. Have fun with that.

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