Polaroid Zip Instant mobile printer available May 1

Polaroid are back! Why just last night I was whining there was a huge gap in my life that there's no instant film printer I could attach to my phone, which much like a Polaroid® spits out a paper that is its own developing kit, And then lo - here is the Polaroid instant mobile film printer launching May 1. You can pre-order your Polaroid Zip printer now, and much like the camera predecessors its the paper that is costly, as the printer itself is quite affordable. Now you guys know what I want for my birthday. Well, that and beer. Always beer.

The printer works with both Android and iOs phones, as well as tablets. Software is not available for Microsoft surface yet. The printer is as small a cellphone and powered by an internal lithium-ion battery, it charges via USB connected to your laptop or any electric outlet. You connect wirelessly to the printer via Bluetooth or NFC.

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