Repo Men- Super Dry deoderant - (2010) :30

In Super Dry Deodorant, a man is handcuffed to a chain and beaten to a pulp. Despite the blood and sweat that has permeated the rest of his body, Super Dry has kept his underarms dry.

Agency: Goodness Mfg
Prod Company: Tool of North America/SM
Director: Erich Joiner (Didn't Have to Happen, and Super Dry)
Director: Geordie Stephens (Thanks to the Union, Jack Soda Party, and Mattress)
DP: Mark Plummer
EP(s): Jennifer Siegel, Brian Latt
Digital EP: Dustin Callif
Line Producer: Jeff Tanner
Editorial: Cosmo Street/SM
Post/Effects: Riot/SM
Music: Beacon Street Studios/Venice
Audio Post: Eleven Sound/SM

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