San Diego Zoo "The Power of Bees" (2014) :30 (USA)

I'n not sure what San Diego Safari Park's Tigers have to do with growing a bee beard, but I guess they're trying to continue the campaign from earlier this year. It's quite a weird but beautiful spot. I just wish the ending wasn't so disconnected.

Agency: M&C Saatchi
Producer: Dennis Di Salvo
Executive Creative Director: James Bray
ACD: Maria Smith
ACD: Ron Tapia
Art Director: Melissa Riggs
Copywriter: Emily Ozan
Account Supervisor: Jerad Schutt
EVP/Director Client Services: Tom Richards

Production Company: Epoch Films
Director: Matthew Swanson

Visual Effects: Timber
Creative Director: Jonah Hall
Creative Director: Kevin Lau
Head of Production: Michael Theurer
Producer: James Taylor
Lead Flame: Chris DeCristo
Flame Assist: Shane Zinkhon

Editorial: ARCADE EDIT
Editor: Greg Scruton
Assistant Editor: Pete D’Andrea
Managing Partner: Damian Stevens
Executive Producer: Nicole Visram

Audio Post: Margarita Mix
Mixer: Paul Hurtubise

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