SEAT "Family X-Perience #24" (2015) :30 (UK)

To celebrate the new SEAT X-Perience family car, the Spanish automaker created a new series of animated spots. The first is this one. Entitled "Family Experience #24: Who needs a holiday when you can just give your kid a phone," the spot follows a family led by their hapless dad who just wants to show some amazing beauty to his family. His kids can't live without their smart phone appendage though, so he resorts to texting them a photo of the sun set they are standing in front of, just so they can see it. If this car trip was anything like mine growing up it would have ended up with my mom or dad telling us to turn off are phones or they'd leave us in front of that pretty sunset. That usually works better.

Anyway, it's unusual for car brands to go the animation route, so kudos for SEAT for believing enough in their brand to entertain us.

Client: SEAT

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