SKY TV Live Pause - Golf, Rugby, Football - billboards New Zealand

DDB New Zealand have clearly been having fun when they did these billboards to promote the capabilities of "Live pause" on Sky TV. In "Rugby" (above) and "Football" (inside) two billboards go together while "Golf" sprays sand and a ball away from the board, sent by Tiger himself.

ad agency: DDB New Zealand
Toby Talbot (Executive Creative Director)
Verity Butt (Creatives)
Carlos Savage (Creatives)
Damian Galvin (Creatives)
Joe Hawkins (Creatives)
Dave Brady (Creatives)
Karen Maurice-O’Leary (Creatives)
Managing Partner – Simon Wedde
Group Account Director – Rose Thompson
Account Director – Danielle Richards
Account Executive – Brad Armstrong
Production Manager – Andy Robilliard
Special Build Manufacturers - ThreeSixty
Client – Mike Watson, Director of Marketing – SKY TV

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Neo's picture

The golf ball and sand is pretty nicely done.

JohnnyDangerous's picture

They're very nice! They even have the depth of field thing going on.