Small Beer: In the world of extremes, drinking doesn't need to be!

Dark Horses has created its first campaign for the lower-alcohol beer brand ‘Small Beer’, and the label contains a lovely design homage to Bob Gill, who once made a logo for AGM who made really small models. 

The campaign introduces the brand’s mission to deliver lower alcohol beer without compromising on big taste. The strategy is based around the thinking that we are living in a world of extremes - extreme people and extreme views, from politics to lifestyle - but Small Beer allows consumers to step back from those extremes, drink sensibly and​ think with a clear head.​ With this latest campaign, the brand aims to highlight that Small Beer is for those that see the bigger picture.

The beautifully art directed work takes well-known phrases that on the surface look positive but are in fact regressive, and turning them on their head to give them their positivity and clarity back. Just like Small Beer. So ‘Living for the weekend’ becomes ‘Living for the week’ and ‘All work and no play’ becomes ‘All work and play’. The messaging is clear that you can enjoy work AND play in harmony. The brand’s tagline is “Think Big. Drink Small.”

The beer​ ​is available in Waitrose stores all over the Great Britain.

James Grundy, the Co-Founder of Small Beer, said: ​“The campaign is based around the cultural truth that we are living in a world of extremes. This is especially true in the alcohol category. But Small Beer is all about being able to see the balance in life, and therefore the opportunity for tomorrow.​ ​Appetite for lower alcohol options has seen a significant increase over the past year, fitting comfortably as a small luxury within daily routines. We’ve invested in this campaign as we see the demand for Small Beer continuing to rise, and felt it poignant to champion the freedom our beer offers drinkers.”

Steve Howell, Creative Partner, at Dark Horses, said:

​“​ We’re known for our sports work, but at Dark Horses we work more holistically across sport, fitness and wellbeing, and ​Small Beer was a great opportunity for us to partner with a brand that fits into many of our team's sporting

lifestyles. With its great taste and lower​ alcohol, it's a beer you can enjoy whether you’re a fitness fanatic or just don’t fancy a hangover

Our ​idea was to focus on those famous preconceived ‘wisdoms’ that are in fact a little narrow-minded and then to flip them on their heads to show some bigger picture thinking.”

Small Beer has a range of​ 4 styles with alcohol percentages varying from 1% - 2.7%, offering consumers great tasting beer without the high volume of alcohol. The South London-born brand continues to challenge the lost tradition for people who do it all, targeting those who value a balanced lifestyle.

These Small Beers have a big taste. Without cooking off the alcohol or stripping it out via reverse osmosis, the portfolio of beers are brewed to strength with only the finest ingredients.


As a Swede, I am from a country where making low percentage beer is a long-standing tradition because each brand of beer learns how to do it in order to be able to advertise to the public.  Back when we had strict advertising laws against alcohol advertisements, brands got plenty creative in getting around it.

Now when a low-alcohol beer has a long-held tradition beyond those ad-laws, our beer culture allows people to have a nice 1% lager over lunch, without worrying about a drop in energy later in the day. I'd be happy to try one of these one day. Even if I'm partially doing it, just for that logo. ;) 

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