Sony PSP - Goose (2006) 0:30 (USA)

Director: Monkmus
Agency: TBWA/Chiat/Day

Executive Producer: Michael Feder
Producer: Hana Shimizu
Compositor: John Earle, Peter Fink
Animator: Masako Miyazaki
Editor: Anita Chao
Live Action Producer: Joel Kretschman
Director Photography: Ivan Abel
Gaffer: Bill Lucia
Grip: Mike Jackson
Technical Supervisor: John Earle
Asst Technical Supervisor: Gregor Hofbauer
Production Asst: Mike Story, Thomas Lee, Carl Leaf
Agency: TBWA/Chiat/Day
Creative Director: Jerry Gentile
ACD: Brett Craig & Doug Mukai
Copywriter: Patrick Almaguer
Art Director: Blake Kidder
Producer: Angelo Mazzamuto
Account Supervisor: Jerico Cabaysa
Sound Design: Stephen Dewey with Machinehead
Editorial: Venice Beach Editorial

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