Sony - Soundville - (2009) 3:00 (UK)

Juan Cabral has unveiled his latest directorial efforts for Sony with this new spot entitled "soundville". The music chosen to blare across the small town of Seydisfjordur, Iceland, is some Death in Vegas and some songs performed by Juan Cabral's own brother. Richard Fearless from Death in Vegas provided 30 minutes of original material, the band Mum provided some tracks as well. A-bomb created playlists, curated by the mood the tracks would evoke. Each morning Juan Cabral would carefully select what track would wake people up, since the whole village would hear it.

See also an interview with Juan Cabral by Creativity regarding this piece.

How did you set up and find the speaker systems? Did you recruit any special technicians to help you out? Was the town equipped to actually power everything?
The guys that make the Sigur Ros concerts in Iceland powered everything. We could play the music remotely and wirelessly. We built this 20 foott tower full of speakers and placed it in the middle of the town. Because it's a very quiet place—there's almost no traffic—you don't need a lot to make it sound good actually. And we certainly didn't want the sound to be bouncing everywhere.

Agency:Fallon London
Director: Juan Cabral

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Adlister Airan said this sound stunt reminded him of this post at the neat-o blog Oddstrument: Call this number: and have your voice blasted over Norway