State Farm - Arnold Schwarzenegger / Neighbaaa - extended teaser (2024) :90 (USA)

State Farm is promoting its Super Bowl ad campaign, featuring Arnold Schwarzenegger as the new spokesperson, Agent State Farm. The 90-second ad shows a behind-the-scenes look at Schwarzenegger's struggles with the script, repeatedly being corrected by a film director for mispronouncing "neighbor" as "neighbaaa." Despite performing many impressive feats, he still struggles with the word. The spot ends with a script change and a "To be continued" text box.

During the Super Bowl, a shortened version of the 90-second video with an alternate ending will air. This is State Farm's first Super Bowl ad since 2021, as the brand has recently focused on digital and social channels. State Farm worked with Highdive on the campaign, as well as OMD, Optimum Sports, The Marketing Arm, Infinity Marketing Team, and FleishmanHillard.

Client: State Farm
AD agency: Highdive

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