Steve Irwins last ad

"We rarely utilize celebrities in our ads, but this was too good to ignore"

Dean Stelmaszek, Associate Creative Director at the Canadian American Corporation who thunk up the buffalo chicken gag for Subway got more than he bargained for as the star if the campaign, Steve Irwin was attacked and killed by a stingray just a few weeks after their campaign launched. The campaign began on August 15th , and is running in 27 markets, with over 2,700 Subway restaurants throughout the USA participating. I predict a lot of frenzied activity as Subway employees replace all the ad signs relating to Steve now - but the ad itself is still airing.

Super adgrunts see it in the archives.

Steve Irwin wasn't a stranger to advertising - the best ad he did was when he mocked himself wrestling the Florida Gators mascot in a sportscenter ad.

Update! link to that ESPN SportsCenter - Crocodile Hunter / Steve Irwin (2006) :30 (USA) and ESPN SportsCenter - Crocodile Hunter / Steve Irwin - short (2006) :15 (USA) and FedEx - Fierce Snake (2000) 0:30 (USA) in the commercial archive.

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