Stop Global Poverty Campaign...

As part of the build up for the global campaign to stop extreme poverty, the Gates' (yup Bill and Melinda) signed ddb seattle to produce a campaign based upon a speech given recently by nelson mandela in norway. DDB produced a set of 60 second spots that are running in the US, UK, Canada, Germany, France, Italy and Japan. The campaign is aimed at driving public response in these G8 nations to push for a commitment to stop global poverty.

To make things a bit more cutting edge, there are a set of microsites that correspond to the spots, and have the full 13 minute speech online. is the US version, and all the other sites are sub-directories thereof.

Check it out, watch the vids, and send it on to a friend.

For full disclosure, the online portion of the campaign was produced by the shop I work at - Peel Interactive.

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Anonymous Adgrunt's picture
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Dabitch's picture

The sites are nice.. Though I'm not quite seeing the need of having many different domains and sites (?)... I mean, atthe end of the madela speech i read "" while I'm on and that just feels strange. (might be just me that).

Oh, and wristbands? Didn't Nike do this? Are wristbands going to be the new ribbons?

philmang's picture

yeah, one thought during concept development was that each country's campaign would point to the site, in the language of that country... not sure why that fell through.
The different sites were then just for the different languages, and linkage to the appropriate local organization.

Dabitch's picture

Oooh, well see that might be a good thing that it fell through actually. From my p.ov. anyway, I have a knack of being in countries where I might not know the language too well, and surfing the web - if the website changes to French to accommodate me it really doesn't work since I don't speak it.

(and I always did wonder how that sort of thing deals with Switzerland... Does it ask only in that case or does it check the computers main language? The latter would make sense for everyone.)

deeped's picture

Is it just me or is the headline somewhat strange? Shall we stop the campaign?

Dabitch's picture

It's lacking a "the" to read the way you're interpreting it. ;)