Studio total who burns money are being burned by the Arvika festival

Recently Studio Total have been in the news for the donation of 100,000 SEK to the Feminist Party which the party leader promptly burned up on a BBQ. There was a bit of a backlash to the stunt, with prominent PR people, journalists, politicians and man/woman on the street declaring it wasteful, and that the money should have been used to help women instead. Tomas Mazetti from studio total responded in an open letter suggesting that the whiners use their money to help women, while he saves up for a giraffe. Zing! Dagens Media wrote that the PR-worth earned by the money-BBQ was worth 5,3 million SEK in media attention gained. The number comes from research done by Mediapilot, and forgets to sort out "negative publicity" from "reach", but whatever - it was talked about, on that we all agree. Now Studio Total are in the news again, for a different reason. Remember the Arvika Festival masturbation ad they made? The one that was banned by the advertising ombudsman and never allowed to air? The one where the Arvika- festival arrangers kept insisting that they would do an ad featuring a masturbating man as well, for equalities sake (but that never happened).


As it turns out the Arvika festival hasn't paid in full for the ad campaign yet. The Arvika festival lost money this year, and have frozen their assets. "We're still waiting for 1/4 of the payment" says Studio Totals creative director Tomas Mazetti. Ouch. Perhaps you shouldn't have burned your money, then. But that lead me to re-read some of the press around the Arvika-festival ad, and in particular what the model, Caroline Magnerholt, got paid for her masturbation. In Dagens Media Jonas Linné from the Arvika festival says:

"Caroline Magnerholt received some compensation but she did it for the festival, rather than for money."

Hey, I think I know where we can begin in solving this gender-gap salary-issue that is so close to your hearts, Studio Total.... You could start by paying the women you work with. Just a thought.

src="">which the party leader promptly burned up on a BBQ. There was a bit of a backlash to the stunt, with prominent PR people, journalists, politicians and man/woman on the street declaring it wasteful, and that the money should have been used to help women instead. Tomas Mazetti from studio total responded in an open letter suggesting that the whiners use their money to help women, while he saves up for a giraffe. Zing! Dagens Media wrote that the PR-worth earned by the money-BBQ was worth 5,3 million SEK in media attention gained. The number comes from research done by Mediapilot, and forgets to sort out "negative publicity" from "reach", but whatever - it was talked about, on that we all agree. Now Studio Total are in the news again, for a different reason. Remember the Arvika Festival masturbation ad they made? The one that was banned by the advertising ombudsman and never allowed to air? The one where the Arvika- festival arrangers kept insisting that they would do an ad featuring a masturbating man as well, for equalities sake (but that never happened).


As it turns out the Arvika festival hasn't paid in full for the ad campaign yet. The Arvika festival lost money this year, and have frozen their assets. "We're still waiting for 1/4 of the payment" says Studio Totals creative director Tomas Mazetti. Ouch. Perhaps you shouldn't have burned your money, then. But that lead me to re-read some of the press around the Arvika-festival ad, and in particular what the model, Caroline Magnerholt, got paid for her masturbation. In Dagens Media Jonas Linné from the Arvika festival says:

"Caroline Magnerholt received some compensation but she did it for the festival, rather than for money."

Hey, I think I know where we can begin in solving this gender-gap salary-issue that is so close to your hearts, Studio Total.... You could start by paying the women you work with. Just a thought.

src="">Arvika Festival / Cum to Arvika - (2009)


As it turns out the Arvika festival hasn't paid in full for the ad campaign yet. The Arvika festival lost money this year, and have frozen their assets. "We're still waiting for 1/4 of the payment" says Studio Totals creative director Tomas Mazetti. Ouch. Perhaps you shouldn't have burned your money, then. But that lead me to re-read some of the press around the Arvika-festival ad, and in particular what the model, Caroline Magnerholt, got paid for her masturbation. In Dagens Media Jonas Linné from the Arvika festival says:

"Caroline Magnerholt received some compensation but she did it for the festival, rather than for money."

Hey, I think I know where we can begin in solving this gender-gap salary-issue that is so close to your hearts, Studio Total.... You could start by paying the women you work with. Just a thought.

src="">which the party leader promptly burned up on a BBQ. There was a bit of a backlash to the stunt, with prominent PR people, journalists, politicians and man/woman on the street declaring it wasteful, and that the money should have been used to help women instead. Tomas Mazetti from studio total responded in an open letter suggesting that the whiners use their money to help women, while he saves up for a giraffe. Zing! Dagens Media wrote that the PR-worth earned by the money-BBQ was worth 5,3 million SEK in media attention gained. The number comes from research done by Mediapilot, and forgets to sort out "negative publicity" from "reach", but whatever - it was talked about, on that we all agree. Now Studio Total are in the news again, for a different reason. Remember the Arvika Festival masturbation ad they made? The one that was banned by the advertising ombudsman and never allowed to air? The one where the Arvika- festival arrangers kept insisting that they would do an ad featuring a masturbating man as well, for equalities sake (but that never happened).


As it turns out the Arvika festival hasn't paid in full for the ad campaign yet. The Arvika festival lost money this year, and have frozen their assets. "We're still waiting for 1/4 of the payment" says Studio Totals creative director Tomas Mazetti. Ouch. Perhaps you shouldn't have burned your money, then. But that lead me to re-read some of the press around the Arvika-festival ad, and in particular what the model, Caroline Magnerholt, got paid for her masturbation. In Dagens Media Jonas Linné from the Arvika festival says:

"Caroline Magnerholt received some compensation but she did it for the festival, rather than for money."

Hey, I think I know where we can begin in solving this gender-gap salary-issue that is so close to your hearts, Studio Total.... You could start by paying the women you work with. Just a thought.

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HowieSPM's picture

Ouch! Great post! I didn't know you had such chauvinist inequalities still in Scandanavia! Also testing the new widget.

Dabitch's picture

I hope the new widget works for ya.


Also, when it comes to equality, it seems nobody is ahead.