Subaru "Dog Tested: Car Wash" (2018) :30 (USA)

What a pleasure it is for dogs to clean a car-- and also help themselves to the hose. Too bad they can't reach the entire car. Very silly but very cute campaign if you are in to dogs.

CLIENT: Subaru of America, Inc.
Senior Vice President, Marketing: Alan Bethke
National Advertising Manager: Brian Cavallucci
Advertising Production Specialist: Michelle Shoultes
AGENCY: Agency: Carmichael Lynch
Chief Creative Officer: Marty Senn
Executive Creative Director: Randy Hughes
Creative Director: Brad Harrison Writer: Michelle Lippman
Art Director: Sam Perry
Head of Production: Joe Grundhoefer
Executive Content Producer: Jon Mielke
Business Manager: Vicki Oachs
Account Management Team: Brad Williams, Paula Weisenbeck, Kendra Komejan
Product Information Supervisor: Robert Ar
Project Manager: Andrea Thelen
Brand Planning: Olivia Luterbach
Media: Betsy Burgeson
Production Company: Skunk US
Director: Brian Lee Hughes
President: Matt Factor
Executive Producer:
Shelly Townsend
Line Producer: Geoff McLean
Director of Photography: Jason McCormick
Edit House: Drive Thru
Editor: Mick Uzendoski
Executive Producer: Beth Wilson
Online Artist: Derek Johnson
Telecine: Sean Coleman @ CO3
Audio House: SisterBoss
Audio Mix: Carl White & Micah Johnson
Sound Design: Carl White & Micah Johnson
Spot / Music Company: Car Wash / Barking Owl
Drop Off / South Drive Away HiFi Project
On-camera talent: Sera Trimble / Stunt Driver

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Your commercial made my night while watching the SAG Awards. Made me google and then find all the Barkleys Subaru commercials. Absolutely love them - thanks!!!!