Sunshine SAKAE - TAXI / swollen foot - (2012) :60 (Japan)

Directed by Wataru Sato, a story involving a foot and the worlds clumsiest taxi-driver shows how the victim of the foot-pain tolerates almost anything.... but why? He's in a great mood, because great bargains make you crazy happy.

Client: Sunshine Sakae
Agency: ADK Tokyo
Production : TYO Productions Tokyo
Director : Wataru Sato
Creative Director / ARt Director / Copywriter: Kazuya Nakajima
Producer: Kazuo Kawasaki
Sound Design : Imagica
Agency Producer : Youichi Terasaka
Editor : Wataru Sato
Editor : Takahiro Uchida
Cinematographer: Shuhei Onaga
Account Supervisor: Toshitaka Nasu
Account Supervisor:: Kunio Inagaki

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