TheHomey B D P - Katie / music video (2013)

B D P for short, is Brandon Drew Jordan Pierce, a New York City based rapper. He grew up primarily in sleepy Westchester, NY, moving to Durham, NC his freshmen year of high school. He's an ad man by day (at Sid Lee's New York Office), rapper by night and here he made a song to "Katie". Katie being the slang expression about the walk of shame that clubbing girls endure in the bright harsh light of the next day.

Ayse Altinok, a Turkish born director currently based in Portland, Oregon, decided to make the videos all about "Katie" and have young girls in club gear ... wandering through a desert. Shot on location in the Mojave Desert, Ayse's 'walk of shame' has no witnesses and no sunlight and really just is models gyrating around a car so the "walk of shame" connection is tedious at best.

But it looks good so there's that.

TheHomey B D P - Katie
Director: Ayse Altinok
Producer: Bernadette Spear
Editor: Paul Martinez, Arcade Edit

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