TOWORKFOR - "Wesley SNIPES?" (2022) :60 (Portugal)

His name is Wesley, and yeah, he snipes! 

“TOWORKFOR operates in a very competitive market, together with well-known brands with much bigger communication budgets (Timberland, Cat, Carhart, among others.). This means we have to make “more noise”, with less investment. Whatever we did had to, forcibly, attract attention. And that's just as well, because that boldness, that challenger's courage, is very much present in the brand's DNA. Without risk, there would be no reason for TOWORKFOR to exist.”, Miguel Durão - Creative Partner at Stream and Tough Guy.


Thus, the “Risky Advertising for Safety Workwear” campaign was born.


Indeed a risky campaign, which manages to associate three well-known international names with the TOWORKFOR brand.  By turning them into questions: “WILL SMITH?” and “CAN TOM CRUISE?” 

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