Toyota - One Team (2018) :60 (USA)

A rabbi, a priest, an imam and a buddist monk get into a pickup truck and.... Yeah, I know it sounds like the beginnings of a funny joke but it's a Toyota ad.

Ad agency: Saatchi & Saatchi LA

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Anonymous Adgrunt's picture
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John Galt's picture

nice story... you're probably never going to see a muslim wearing white and blue, those are the colors of israel lol wtf toyota?!

Dabitch's picture

Yep, there are so many things wrong with this ad I'm amazed it made it through production. It offends every religion involved, and for what? The Buddhist monk is a materialist, the priest ditches his congregation, the Muslim wears the colours of Israel and the Rabbi blames all the other guys for being late. Meanwhile, very few people spot that he's actually wearing a dark yarmulke the whole time, and simply changes before the game, so the change-scene is interpreted as if he finally puts one on... Making the stadium a more revered place of worship than his own Synagogue.

Saatchi should count themselves lucky the offense over this one is going to be drowned out by people mad at the Ram Martin Luther King ad.

Dean7777777's picture

"Dabitch" ? Seriously, you use that name? How original. You're proud to be a bitch? Like so many millions of American women? Could a guy use "Dadick" or "Dacreep" and expect to be taken seriously?
Me thinks you are overcompensating for extreme insecurity issues.

kidsleepy's picture

Dabitch is a surname. Not a nickname. If it were a nickname it would be spelled DaBitch.
Second: She's not American, she's Swedish. Says so right down there in the about-the-author section.
But you do you.

Dabitch's picture

I usually don't respond to this kind of shit but... It's a name.
See also:

Mannas's picture

Methinks you're an ignorant American, Dean7777777

Dabitch's picture

That discussion about the ad was far too easily derailed, huh? ?

kidsleepy's picture

That's what happens when a mansplainer shows up in the thread smdh

Sport's picture

I only just saw this and didn't think it was too bad. The nuns blaming the Rabbi, Preist and Imam for not scoring because they were late was sort of funny.