TurboTax Live “Matchmaker” (2022) :45 (USA)

I don't quite understand this dressing up in masks of other people, I halfway expected the Scooby-Doo gang to jump in at the end.


TurboTax Live matches you with a tax expert who is right for you.

So, you're a perfect match for a freelancer who just bought a home that's also her office?

That's right.

What if I actually have no idea how to freelance, but...I invest in crypto in my
hometown of Gravity, Iowa?

Then I’d say, “you’re down to earth” and help you report your gains and losses.

What if...I work in London, live in New York, and shot a Super Bowl commercial in Los Angeles?


Then I’d say congrats. I can sort that all out for you.

Thank you kindly.

Well, what if I ah...What if I really am a freelancer who just bought a home?

Then you can still hand your taxes off to me, to get your maximum refund.

Wow. You really are my perfect match.

Client: Turbotax

Ad Agency: Wieden+Kennedy

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The fact that he picked up a "body suit" at the dry cleaner is pretty funny. Very creative solve in switching scenes, I like that.