Two Unsuspecting Girls Take The New Renault Clio For A Test Drive - (2013)

Just like when the two unsuspecting guys took the Renault Clio out for a test drive, these two unsuspecting girls try out the va-va-voom button.

But before that, insta-France surrounds them, complete with the "Nicole -papa" family. Lets re-visit that 90s Renault phenomena for a second, there were only two words ever spoken in each ad, yet they said so much. "Nicoole!! Papa!?", "Nicole? Papa." , "Papa? Nicole? Papa?" and lets not forget "Papa. Nicoooole.". You get the idea. They were awful and tremendously annoying yet never-ending, and somehow transcending into cult during the campaigns lifetime. A bit like the movie "How to steal a million" with Audrey Hepburn and Gregory Peck where the "Nicole - Papa" idea came from originally.

Snap back to today and our current habit of pulling stunts on everyone, filming it, and slapping it up on youtube, this Renault Clio stunt follows the same script as the earlier one except with dancing shirtless men. They have the "French" in their blue-and-white striped shirts that they're not wearing, and their constant flexing while somewhat appreciated by the test driving ladies veers into awkward quite a bit as there is a lot of gun kissing going on. You know what I say about two wrongs and airplanes, right? It feels like this ad is made in anticipation of the cries of sexism the other prank might have endured, had they not entertained ladies as well.

The question remains, did any one of these ladies buy a car? Will you?

Renault Clio

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