United - Clipboard / Raccoons - (2010) :30 (USA)

Bicoastal Rabbit director Trevor McMahan demonstrates the ease of organized professional moving with United in a comedic new :30 “Clipboard,” out of Grey Worldwide, NY. United’s moving services ensure a smooth transition, holding fire and rabid raccons at bay.

“Clipboard” opens on a suburban cul-de-sac, with an official-looking man holding a clipboard. Surveying the neighborhood, the man poses a challenge: “Is United right for your move? Ask yourself: do you want A. a seamless professional move? Or B. your possessions set on fire?” He continues making his way around the circle, while moving vans are unloaded behind him: “A. techonology experts to set up your home network? Or B. raccoons to run amok with your electronics? A. portable containers to move yourself? Or B. complete chaos?” The man stops in front of a home with clothes, household items and open boxes strewn across the property. We see another man stomping out a fire in one of the boxes as someone after a raccoon. Our narrator concludes, “If you answered A, call United. If you answered B…”

The scene cuts to motion graphics of United’s service, with the logo and tag, ”There’s moving…and there’s moving United,” closing out the spot.

Client: United
Title: 2 x :30 “Clipboard,” “Clipboard Container”
Airdate: Currently airing
Production Company: Rabbit, Bicoastal
Director: Trevor McMahan
DP: Bob Yeoman
Producer: Matt Caltabiano
Exec. Producers: Douglas Howell, Joby Barnhart
Advertising Agency: Grey Worldwide, NY, NY
Chief Creative Officer: Tor Myhren
Exec. Creative Director: Noel Cottrell
Art Director: Amy Ferguson
Copywriter: Eli Terry
Agency Producer: Kim Kietz
Editorial Company: Rabbit Post
Editor: Kelly Brickner
Telecine: Company 3
Colorist: Tom Poole
Audio Post Company: Hobo Audio
Mixer: Chris Stangroom

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