Volkswagen - The big one is on the left. (1969) printad (USA)

The big one is on the left.


Don't rub
your eyes.
It's no illusion.

The Volkswagen Squareback on the left actually has more luggage space than the Caddy on the right.
The back of a Caddy only has 22.2 cubic feet of loading space.

The back of our Squareback has 24.7. And if you need even more room. than that, you can fold down the rear seat.
There's 17.7 more cubic feet.
And when you've finished loading up our back, you can start loading up our front.

Because where most cars have an engine, we have a trunk.

That's 6.5 more cubic feet for us. But you know what's even nicer about the VW Squareback sedan?
With all the room it has on the inside, look at all the room it doesn't have on the outside.


Ad agency: Doyle Dane Bernbach (DDB), New York

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