Volkswagen "Wings" (2014) 1:00 (USA)

Cue Doofus Dad™ and Bitchy Teenager™, mobile phone glued to her hands. In the car, of course.

Dad: "Every time a VW hits 100,000 miles an angel engineer gets his wings."

Bitchy teenager: "Whatever. I'm sure that at every 200,000 miles and rainbows fly out of their butts."

End on rainbow flavored button.

If a VW hits 300,000 miles, will VW start making good advertising again?

Client: VW

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MissAdvert's picture

Ha. Too bad they didn't do a partnership with Skittles and the rainbow bit. Or maybe they tried...

Dabitch's picture

The only woman engineer in the spot gets her bottom slapped. Angel-wing slapped, but still.

Also does this scream "I was briefed and forced to work over the Holidays" to anyone else?