VW Super Bowl Teaser "Sunny Side" (2013) :2:45 (U.S.A.)

Deutsch moves past the Star Wars motif for a sunnier look on life. This 'teaser' as it is, pretty much explains the whole story. They mined youtube for angry/freakout videos, and then got all those youtube 'celebrities,' together in a field, and had them sing and dance to Jimmy Cliff doing a cover of The Partridge Family's "Come on get happy."

This behind the scenes/making of/teaser should get your happy juices flowing. If that's your thing, anyway. The idea of Jimmy Cliff shilling for VW like this reminds me that one of his greatest songs is also sadly prophetic.

It's definitely a departure for VW, either way.

Wait, did I say VW?


I just reread my first paragraph and I thought for a minute I was describing a Coke commercial.

Agency: Deutsch
Client: Volkswagen

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