What you are watching, is history in the making man.

Postproduction house PS260 who did the Shining Redux last year have been toppled off their slick cutting throne by a band of hooligans called addictive TV who upped the ante and edited both film and sound to create Take the lead addictive TV Remix out of the new Antonio Banderas movie.

Who knew that the sound of a movie could make a kick-ass dance track? Well, they knew, obviously.

Take the Lead remix in the commercial archive

Super adgrunts, if you want this one to show up in the history books...err..sorry the yearly roundup don't forget to rate it up!

Also spotted at viralmeister and at addictive.com or at youtube

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Anonymous Adgrunt's picture
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andromeda's picture

Am I the only one developing an irrational hatred of youtube?

Thanks for the proper sized quicktime here. Bliss. That was great!

Dabitch's picture

yer welcome. And maybe not "irrational hatred" but suddenwaffle has commented on the sudden sturation of youtube links recently.

MaryWills's picture
