Where'd Tha MF Cheese Go?

It's a Weener! Rolling Stone's latest issue reported on a fabulous failure - Ween's rejected attempts at doing a commissioned version of Pizza Hut's Where'd The Cheese Go? jingle. You can hear the marvelous but dissed cuts here (Adland highly recommends Cut #2).


Previously: Pizza Hut - Where's the Cheese at? (2002) - 0:30 (USA)

Also: : Pizza Hut "Where the Cheese Go?" / Advertising Deficit Disorder (2002)

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Anonymous Adgrunt's picture
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Dabitch's picture

It's Ok to admit I love this, right?

kidsleepy's picture

I love it, too. They did a five minute version that is available on their All Request Live album, Via Amazon.

Anonymous Adgrunt's picture

As a massive WEEN fan I love this too!

Dabitch's picture