Windows "thinks different" by using Apple's cast-off spokeperson: Seinfeld.

So, we all know that Microsoft is working hard at retooling that broken image that Vista has, and it's been reported that Microsoft Enlists Jerry Seinfeld In Its Ad Battle Against Apple.

Ooohkaaay. Nevermind that using him in ads went out somewhere around the American Express Superman campaign a near decade ago - why use Apple's old spokesperson? Oh, they forgot, right? Well here's an Apple ad from the late 90's featuring "The crazy ones" which includes Jerry Seinfeld taking a bow at the end. Yeah, he's crazy, crazy enough to endorse anything for money. I guess he needs it to pay all his parking tickets ;)

This spot edit aired during the Seinfeld show finale, May 14, 1998.

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Neaner's picture

Do you know if there is any truth to the gossip that their campaign will have the slogan "Windows, not walls"?

Dabitch's picture

I don't know if that is true or a joke. I mean, really? Not walls?