Yoko Ono goes loco for Cocoa Puffs.

... well, not Cocoa Puffs, but rather for a new cereal by Kellogg's organic division, Kashi, called Strawberry Fields. Seems she feels it's a bit too close to one of John Lennon's immortal ditties. Never mind that John found inspiration for one of Sgt. Pepper's songs by listening to a Kellogg's Corn Flakes commercial. Go here for the story, and "...imagine all the berries..."


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Anonymous Adgrunt's picture
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Dabitch's picture

i wouldn't want to name a cereal after an orphanage.

and when does milk and honey the cereal hit the shelves?

anonymous's picture

That ad is a joke ad ....right?

claymore's picture

If that scared you a bit, you should see the promo for General Mills' Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Bran!

I'll leave it to you to guess which song from the album they used in the commercial.

Dabitch's picture


Claytons adpost-headline banners are funnier than any ad. ;-)

anonymous's picture

Sorry to interrupt...I just registered. Can I download the verizon monkey mp3 files anywhere on this site?

anonymous's picture

Verizon monkey mp3 files? Yoko? Is that you?

It's easy. Just take your mouse, lift it up and place in on the monitor over the following line of text...


Got it there? Good. Now recite the following into the microphone that's installed under your keyboard spacebar...

"I am a meat popsicle."

And there ya go.

anonymous's picture

I followed the instructions but nothing happened. Do I need to download a special driver for the spacebar?

AnonymousCoward's picture

I'm sorry again...I am a COMPLETE novice on this site, in spite of the fact that I paid my two bucks. I am working on an elaborate practical joke and AM DYING to include this clip. No way? I did the right click thing, but couldn't download. Clayton are you there and can I PLEASE have a copy? I'll include you in the fun.

claymore's picture

I emailed you some info which should assist ya. Hope it helps. Did you also check out the FAQs? A lot of the most popular newbie probs are addressed there.

I'll check back on ya in the morn - hafta crash here for the nite for an early wakeup call. Yay work.