Ad campaign against Murdoch

As US media laws face deregulation , Common Cause, and Free Press are beind a campaign that hopes to alert the public to the dangers of deregulation.
The television adverts can be viewed at Moveon's site, and the press ads that ran in New York times and other papers can be downloaded as .pdf.

"Murdoch wants more. Much more," the campaign warns. "Unless we act now Rupert Murdoch is going to get his way."

From the Guardian;

"Fox News, though winning the most viewers, also attracted the most criticism for its unquestioning backing of the war. "Fox News clearly took an aggressive stance supporting the war and refused to look at the consequences," said Eli Pariser, campaigns director at "Throughout Fox there is very clearly a political agenda and it doesn't seem a coincidence that it is the one that Rupert Murdoch personally shares."

"A diverse and competitive media is an essential part of a working democracy," he added. "The whole idea is predicated on an informed cit izenship. People are very upset at the idea of news controlled by a very few companies with noxious political positions." "

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