Have no fear - the "eco-font" is here, a fat Bitstream vera with holes in it.

Based on a hunch from Colin Willems SPRANQ creative communications in Utrecht has created Ecofont - a font with holes in it to, wait for it, "up to 20% less ink."

There doesn't seem to be even the slightest smirky hint of them having a laugh there. Of course, they're only comparing ink-use in "eco-font" to Bitstream Vera, which is what it is based on. May I suggest using a razor-thin condensed font like Helvetica Neue light condensed, Univers Condensed, Amplitude Condensed or any other skinny instead of using an extra-bold font with holes in it next time guys. You'll not just save ink, it'll print on less paper as well. The logic here is a bit like my ex-roommates, she'd buy a big Entenmann's 'fat-free' chocolate cake and then eat the whole thing in one sitting.

Fascinatingly, the big media are all over it, check their press page.

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