UNICEF "The story of Ivine and the pillow" (2016) 2:35 (USA)

This animated Unfairy Tale tells the story of Ivine and his pillow. Unfortunately it's not a magic pillow, but his last bit of security in war torn Syria he ends up having to flee. This story, however, isn't a flight of fancy. It's reality. And we meet a sobbing Ivine at the end, wanting to know why life is so hard. Tragic but powerful content from UNICEF reminding us that some stories were never meant for children, and we can help make a difference.

Client: UNICEF
Ad Agency: 180LA
William Gelner, Chief Creative Officer
Michael Allen, Chief Executive Officer
Stephen Larkin, Chief Marketing Officer
Rafael Rizuto, Executive Creative Officer
Eduardo Marques, Executive Creative Officer
Dave Cuccinello, Creative Director
David Povill, Creative Director
Tamara Brown, Associate Account Director
Meredithe Woodward, Account Manager
Andy White, Social Media Director
Michael Allen, Account Planning Director
Natasha Wellesley, Director of Integrated Production
Jason Lau, Art and Content Producer
Meagan Phillips, Associate PR Director
Loretta Zolliecoffer, Director of Business Affairs
Florian Bodet, Irene Luevano, Bethlehem Herhane, Translators
Melvin Editorial
Dave Groseclose, Editor
Brian Scharwath, Post Production Manager
Animation House: House of Colors
Film: “Ivine and Pillow”
Animation House: Consulado

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