National Park Service "Happy 100th" (2016) :30 (USA)

The National Park Service is 100 years old this year. So to celebrate, they sang it Happy Birthday. "They" being the park. Like, Park rangers and animals and train whistles and wildlife. Very familiar execution but charming anyway. Want to find a park? Go to Find Your Park.

Client: National Park Service
Agency: GREY NY
Executive Creative Director: Rob Perillo
Group Creative Director: Sean Crane
Group Creative Director: Joe Mongognia
Creative Director (Art Director): Chris Perrone
Creative Director (Writer): Tony Muller
Project Manager: Joey Scarillo
VP Producer: Keira Rosenthal
Producer: Brian Winterton
EVP/Director of Music: Josh Rabinowitz
Music Producer: Ben Dorenfeld
Music House: One Thousand Birds
Post Production
Vision @ Grey
VP Executive Producer: Gray Hirshfield
Producer: John (JD) Dillon
Lead Senior Editor: Alex Cohan
Editor, Graphics: Steve Hafner
Editor: Adam Talaid
Audio Engineer: Matt Baker
Audio Engineer: Guy Rosmarin
Assistant Editor: Liz Le
Account Management -
Partner: Jason Kahner
SVP Global Account Director: Tara Cosentino
VP Account Director: Casey Potash
Account Supervisor: Kate Neupert
Assistant Account Executive: Katie Robison

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Riley J's picture

Very nice commercial, but why is Portland Head Lighthouse included (15" in)? It's located in Fort Williams Park, which is owned/maintained by the city of Cape Elizabeth, Maine (i.e., it's not a National Park or even a State Park, and definitely has nothing to do with the National Park Service).

DogMom's picture

This commercial has seriously traumatized our dog!!! Not sure if it's the park ranger whistling (the Happy Birthday tune), the fast flashing pictures & accompanying sounds/noises ... but whatever it is, the dog is now a neurotic mess! As soon as this commercial starts, we know to hit the mute button!! Or course, we're not always successful and the trauma continues. For humans, it's a lovely tribute to the NPS 100th birthday celebrations! And we all love our national parks!! But we're not sure if/when our dog will ever recover. Hopefully the commercial will end in late August. Hopefully.

Doggy Daddy's picture

My dog has the same response when the ommercial comes on and I have no choice but to mute the TV or change the channel. It has not gotten any better, but only affects one of three.

Doggy Daddy's picture

This commercial totally terrifies my schnauzer when it comes on, it sends her into a panick that she tries to escape the house at all cost. I have read other reviews and their pets have similar responses. So what ever it is they have in the commercial, whether it be subliminal or purposely designed they need to revamp it and think of the animals.

Rena's picture

I was wondering if this happened to anyone else. My dog could be in a sound sleep and if this commercial comes on she freaks out. I try to mute but am not always successful. Then I have to spend a lot of time calming her down. It just came on again and she is climbing all over me shaking and panting. I would like to know what the heck is in the commercial that causes this.

Lisa's picture

I have problems with this commercial: The pitch of the whistle is so high that it is painful to me. It is kind of like hearing fingernails on a chalkboard. It is visually appealing, and I like the many animals, but the whistle ruins it for me.

Dabitch's picture

Wow, this ad really is a dog whistle to many people.

KAREN 's picture

My dogs are fine during this spot, but I rush for the mute button just the same. The mismatched tones of the notes don't say "happy birthday" so much as they say "you've just been transported into a creepy forest scene in a slasher movie, and that park ranger is actually a sociopath." Whoever approved and paid for this one should reevaluate their life choices.

AnnieM's picture

My bassett hound loves this commercial. He starts baying when he hears it and then my beagle and ChiPom start up. Actually they seem to be having a wonderful time and I just sit here and smile. !!! Am I a bad mommy?

Jsmith's picture

Who is the cute park ranger? I have a hankering to walk in the woods!

Jim's picture

One of the absolute best commercials ever created. I love it and makes you proud to be an American.