$5,000.00 for Dominic Lahiff - three hours left on bidding.

There's only three hours left on the 24DP - Director Auction. Will a commercial shot by Dominic Lahiff, with pre-pro, production, post, deliverables, and original music included really only go for $5,000? Really? *raids piggy-bank!*


"The resources of award-winning production company 24DP and the talent of Director Dominic Lahiff are up for bid on EBAY with a starting bid of $0.99 and no reserve."

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Anonymous Adgrunt's picture
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fmazzola's picture

Client abuse. We've all suffered from it...

Here's an instant advertising classic spoofing the effects. If you're a fan of "Truth in Advertising" or "When I grow up I want to be in advertising," you'll love this. Pass it on. Link below:


Neo's picture

Now that you've both posted and removed your film fron the front page & youtube, my comment encouranging you to post it makes me feel... dirty.

Neo's picture

So the single bid of 5000 USD won.

One single bid. I guess doing "stunts" on eBay doesn't attract the attention that it used to back in 2002.