Adidas makes brand boo-boo

Woopise, Adidas has made a pretty big mistake during the winter olympics. 30 German skiers have donned Belgiums flag as someone at Adidas made a color mistake when ordering the caps. And instead of horizontal stripes they got vertical stripes, and presto you've swapped the land of Bratwurst for the land of fries.

"If you just had a short look they look the same. And for the first few days no one realised." said Jan Runau in a statement sent out from Adidas "we apologise." he also added that new caps had been ordered and were on their way.

The ironic thing is of course, that Adidas is a German company. You'd think they knew their own flag. ;)

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The problem isn't so much the direction of the stripes(as it horizontal would look rubbish), its the order of the colour. Belgium is black, yellow, red. Germany is black, red, yellow.