Lidl - ‘The Story of Lidl Bear’ (2022) :60 (UK)

We never set out to create a Christmas character, it just happened. This is the story all about how a tiny Lidl jumper made a star out of a little girl’s bear.

The Story of Lidl Bear

Ad Agency: Accenture Song London

Director: David Kerr

Chief Creative Officer: Nik Studzinski

Creative Director: Luke Ramm, Joe Holt, Robert Amstell, Matthew Lancod

Production Company: Hungry Man

DoP: Simon Chaudoir

Editorial: The Assembly Rooms

Editor: Adam Spivey

Post Production: Rascal

Post VFX Lead: Colin Oaten

2D Lead: Andrew ’Barnsley’ Wood Compositing: Holly McLean

Motion Graphics: Matt Osborne, Steve Hill

CG Artist: Mikael Theander, Adam Ahlgren

Colourist: James Bamford

Sound Company: 750pmh Sound

Designer: Sam Ashwell

Country: United Kingdom

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