Adweeks @bmorrissey on CNBC TV

Hey look, it's @bmorrissey digital editor at Ad Week magazine on cnbc. He's the only one NOT SHOUTING. What on earth is everyone else on? And could that annoying swiping sound please stop?

Love the short notes: "Olympic hypes. Superbowl Deflates". Uh-huh.

Ballet slippers (and gold at that) only reached the states after the Obama kids wore some? That trend was so over here by 2008 that you'll only find them in the sales bins now. I love how US and European fashions are always two years out of sync with each other, that never seems to change.

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Neo's picture

Terrorism threats are heard on twitter first. Yep.

Dabitch's picture

Yeah that question was so random, and WHAT'S WITH ALL THAT SHOUTING PEOPLE? Did I miss a memo?