Aequitas NEO Exchange "Price Change" (2014) 1:00 (Canada)

If you wouldn't tolerate random price hikes in your super market, you shouldn't tolerate it in the financial markets either. High frequency traders are taking advantage of you. Luckily, Aequitas NEO Exchange can help.

Client: Aequitas NEO Exchange
Agency: Zulu Alpha Kilo
Chief Creative Officer: Zak Mroueh
Executive Creative Director: Shane Ogilvie
Writer: Jon Webber
Art Director: Jonathan Armstrong
Agency Producer: Tara Handley / Ola Stodulska
Editor: Michael Headford
Accounts: Kate Torrance / Robyn Morrissey
Production Company: TOUCHPOINT Films
Producer/Director: Sara Basso
Executive Producer: Kevin Saffer
Director of Photography: Sabre Dane
Transfer/Online: Michael Headford
Audio/Music: Stephen Stepanic

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