The AI gadget "Friend" launch ad 1:43 (USA)

So we hear everywhere that this AI startup spent 75% of its capital on its domain name. But not quite. But yes. It's on a payment plan, as the screenshot in this tweet shows. But yeah, that's a lot for domain. Either way that payment plan made the talk of the town when they announced this ad.

Are you lonely? Do you wish Big Tech could mine even more data than it already does? Do you have $99 bucks plus shipping to spend? Then I have good news for you.

There’s a new product out there called friend. It is “always on” and listening via bluetooth. All you do is ask something out loud and it sends you a text message.

Isn’t it great to have a friend like friend?

Wait…where are you going?

I was halfway hoping this was a teaser for an upcoming science fiction show especially because the dialogue was so weird.

Guy: It’s really nice up here, how’d you find this place?

Girl: I don’t know. I just like to come up here to be by myself. I’ve never brought anywhere else. (points to necklace) Except her of course.

Guy: Guess I must be doing something right then.

Girl: I guess so. We’ll see.

But alas, it's just the AI equivalent of a Waifu pillow.

This commercial is so slow-paced it’s like the actors, cast and crew were all on opiates when it was shot. Or maybe it’s unintentionally trying to show you how long your friend takes to respond to your sad cries for attention and your longing for a connection in this vast universe.

Now, I might be the only one to wonder why AI apparatuses like this haven't been designed for a obvious market of people who are lonely, and need help, and might have to call an ambulance because they have fallen and can't get up. It's literally a Life Call, but updated.

Why don't we have a little AI friend that chats to old widowers, asking him how he is doing, asking to see how the flowers in his garden are coming along, and generally just keeping him some flirty friendly company - so that he can avoid the trap of going online and being scammed by a catfisher who only wants his savings account?

Could we maybe have a friendly AI cat brooch that can talk to little old ladies who are forgetful, remind them of their appointments and when to take their medication? Help them time how long that pie should be in the oven so that they don't burn the house down, and remind them that it's Thursday so they have their pensioners discount at the food market.

I can think of so many ways to use AI 'jewelry' like this, but with better design, I would use SIM cards and WiFi instead of Bluetooth, and I would make sure that it's 'parked' like a robot vacuum cleaner in a cute little holder that charges it every evening.
So, as creepy as I think the AI companion is, I can think of a very large market for it, and who would buy it. Target us kids who still have our parents around but they might need some daily help and companionship. Have the little AI friend initiate chats to keep them company. I'll buy my momma her AI-Tamagotchi friend for Christmas in an instant. After all, she got me the original Tamagotchi, I owe her.

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