Director Dane Del Deo has signed for commercial representation with LOS FILMS, the commercial production division of the multidisciplinary creative studio LOS YORK. Del Deo’s work is characterized by a visual-heavy approach that always places humanity, excellence and authenticity at the core of each story.

“Dane represents the next wave of the classic commercial director,” said Chris Abitbol, Head of Film at LOS FILMS. “His contemporaries tend to focus on style over substance while Dane, on the other hand, brings classic filmmaking and versatile excellence to commercial advertising. He strives for emotive expression and full engagement with audiences. He’s got style, but he’s more than that. He’s so knowledgeable about the industry. He knows the work and understands what people are looking for.”

“Seeing a head of films like Chris Abitbol come onboard LOS FILMS fires me up,” said Del Deo. “He’s someone who knows how to develop talent and put the work first. Saying I’m pumped would be an understatement,”

A natural-born surfer, Del Deo moved to Australia to ride the waves on the country’s celebrated Gold Coast while earning a degree in filmmaking at Bond University. LOS YORK Founder and Chief Creative Catalyst Seth Epstein recognized in him an emerging new talent and hired Del Deo initially fresh out of college, mentoring him closely while Del Deo honed his commercial craft. During his first stint at Los York, Del Deo directed campaigns for Snapchat, Coca-Cola, Logitech, EA, Motorola, Acura and TikTok. The Venice Beach based director then embarked on a solo journey, building relationships with acclaimed directors Fredrik Bond and Bryan Buckley. With these friendships came a powerful network of collaborators, creatives and clients. He was coaxed back to the fold following Abitbol’s hire and already he has wrapped a project for ESPN.

“You can sense the curiosity, discipline and determination that Dane approaches with each project,” said Epstein. “He strives for excellence and the exceptional. In a world of ‘good enough’ Dane is the antithesis, always pushing hard to create something that stands out. He believes good enough is not good, it can get better all the time. We’re happy to have him come back.”

“When I was breaking into the industry,” said Del Deo. “Seth made a giant investment in my craft as a commercial director. Having spent some time away to explore the business on my own, it’s my honor to return home and prove that investment a high return.”

(Photo by Gianni Tullio)

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