AID Still Required - Kobe 2 (2008) 0:30 (USA)

Superstar Kobe Bryant and his fellow LA Lakers are hitting the court in support of Darfur in a PSA series directed by Bruce MacWilliams and edited by Peter Tarter of Cutters.

This PSA project originated with Hunter Payne, who founded the organization AID Still Required after initial support for the struggling country stopped short. "I was happy to contribute to heightening the world’s awareness of the atrocities in Darfur, which has been having problems for a while now," Tarter said. "These PSA’s are aimed to raise money and awareness for the cause."

MacWilliams shot the piece in HD before turning over the footage to Tarter, his longtime editor. "Peter is an excellent editor, and one of my favorites to work with," MacWilliams stated. "We collaborate really well together and I feel that he always brings something extra to the project. He has a unique style and visions that make the process a true collaboration."

"Kobe’s words came across with such conviction that we decided it was the best to put his PSA out first," explained MacWilliams. Additional spots featuring the other Lakers' players are set to follow.

The two initial spots featuring Bryant debuted Tuesday on ESPN and ESPN2: the spots broke during ESPN2’s First Take, then during ESPN’s Outside The Line and Sports Center broadcasts, culminating with an airing at half time of NBA game coverage. The ads have now gone wide, with more airings on ESPN networks today, and will shortly appear on Bryant’s website, , on the Sight and Sounds page.

Client: AID Still Required
Spots Title(s): "Kobe 1," "Kobe 2" PSA
First Air Date: March 4th, 2008

Director: Bruce MacWilliams
Producer: Hunter Payne
Editorial: Cutters
Editor: Peter Tarter
Producer: Kasey McGarrigle
Online Artist: Ben Looram

Title Design: Roger

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